Monday, August 23, 2010

A Labled Diagram Of The Bearded Dragon

celebration evening tour to the high leakage Kogel (1691m) from the Taferlklause

Arrival: Linz A1 direction Salzburg, exit Regau. From there on to Gmunden over until after Altmünster. Here it goes right direction Neukirchen and Steinbach.
Start: Taferlklause
goal high leakage Kogel (1691m)
altitude: 862 m
years Level Meter 16 078 m
Weather: sonnig bis zu Gewitter alles
Dauer: Aufstieg: 2 Stunden 45 min
  vom Gipfel zum Hochleckenhaus: 45 min
  Abstieg: 1 Stunde 30 min

Für Heute war noch gutes Wetter angesagt und ab morgen nur noch Regen. So nutzte ich die Zeit nach einer kurzen Schicht für eine kleine Feierabendtour (Neu Deutsch auch Afterworktour). Es ging an der Taferlklause los. Auf schnellsten Weg (direkt über die Skipiste) ging es zum Einstieg. Hier there was again a little refreshment at the fountain.

der erste Brunnen

Then it was windy, steadily uphill through the forest. After half an hour of the next small fountain. Just a few feet from the road. Each fountain is used. It's quite hot today.

der zweite Brunnen

may be rolled From here, over scree to the top and it's just hot.

im Geröllfeld

The view is simply fantastic.

zur schönen Aussicht

reached after a further half-hour is the Junction. Straight ahead leads directly to higher leakage house and left to the High Leckkogel. That's my goal for today.

das habe ich noch zu schaffen

again after half an hour to see the high leakage house. Then it is later, to me it goes to the summit.

Blick zum Hochleckenhaus

A beautiful view. In light of Traunstein, in front of Brunnkogel. The time now is not my goal.

Traunstein im Blick

At the top then the view to the Dachstein glacier. But also the first clouds. The weather is getting worse. The rain area should come earlier than reported?

Blick in die Ferne

Ich machte trotzdem eine kurze Rast.


Nach einer kurzer Jause ging es weiter zum Hochleckenhaus. Jetzt wurde es von Minute zu Minute immer schlechter. Die Wolken ziehen sich immer mehr zusammen. Bei erreichen des Hochleckenhaus war es schon alles schwarz.


Ich nahm mir trotzdem die Zeit für einen kurzen Stopp.

Nach einer viertel Stunde ging es aber weiter. Es war schon am Donnern und Richtung Attersee wohl auch schon am regnen.


Nach 20 min fing es ganz kurz an zu regnen, aber really short.

da muß ich wieder runter

The weather played a trick on me, it thundered the cold wind whistling around the ears for an otherwise nothing happens.

It was down to the valley dry. After a good 90 minutes I reached back to my starting point. A varied tour to an end.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jacksonville Fl Brazilian Waxing

of the Saletalm am Königssee to Kärlingerhaus (1631m)

Arrival: of catfish on the A1 to Salzburg, then take the A10 towards Salzburg and exit at South Grödig there on the main road towards Berchtesgaden. Towards the station in Berchtesgaden and Königssee. At the large Kreisverkehr Richtung Königssee und weiter bis zum großen Parkplatz am Ende der Zufahrtstrasse.
Start: Saletalm am Königssee (604m)
über: Kärlingerhaus (1631m)
Ziel: Sankt Bartholomä
Aufstieg: Weg Nr. 422 Sagerecksteig (nur für Geübte!)
Schwierigkeit: schwarz
Duration: 4 hours 45 min (according to schedule 4 hours)
Descent: path 412 Saugasse
Difficulty: red
Duration: 2 hours 45 min (on schedule 3.5 hours)
altitude: 1027 m
years 15 216 m altitude
Weather: Sunny, hot
Bemerkung das Erreichen der Saletalm und die Rückfahrt von Bartolomä ist nur mit der Königssee Schifffahrt möglich!
Unbedingt die letzte Abfahrt beachten!  
Link Königssee Schifffahrt
Video kurzes Video zu der Tour

Sibille, Karl und ich waren heute mal in einer ganz anderen Region unterwegs. Sibille hatte die Tour rausgesucht, und jetzt wollten wir Sie testen. Es ist diesmal keine Gipfeltour. Los ging es am Königssee. Um 8 Uhr fährt das erste Schiff. Karl und Sibille Wir fuhren durch bis Saletalm. Die Fahrtdauer beträgt 45 min. Das Schiff war voll bis auf den letzten Platz. Alle mit Rucksäcken und zum Wandern gerichtet. Der ganze See lag im Nebel.

  die Berge im Nebel

So konnten wir nicht viel sehen, und es war ein wenig gespenstig. Der Schiffsführer gab trotzdem kurze Informationen. Das Echo mit Trompete durfte auch nicht fehlen. Nach 30 min erreichten wir Sankt Bartolomä, hier gingen schon einige von Bord. 15 min später erreichten wir die Anlegestelle Saletalm. Anlegestelle Saletalm Es dauerte bis 9 Uhr dann waren wir auf dem Weg. Ziele gibt es genug ran Now the clock backward in 9.5 hours, the last ship leaves from Bartolomä. But now it goes along the lake Saletalm. The smoke clears.

einfach schön

After 15 minutes we reached the entrance, to forecast rising Recker

Saletalm The majority of the trail in the forest and therefore is well-shaded. nur für Geübte This makes the increase a little more comfortable in the fast-growing Temperatures. But it is steadily uphill steep. The shade also has the disadvantage that the way is very wet and slippery. The view is wonderful for the Königssee.

der Königssee Stankt Bartolomä

After two and half hours very strong increase we reached a beautiful meadow. nach der Rast Here we took a short rest. Now was there something more easily for 15 minutes, until the next increase, which was followed by a descent to the Green Lake. Grünsee

above the lake went on it. noch immer Bergauf What we had descended to the lake we had, of course, on the other side to rise again, and even higher

es geht weiter aber nicht zum Gipfel

It goes through a stone valley but in the end was the apex immer wieder der Hinweiß mit den Schiffsverbindungen reached (4 , 5 hours) and 15 min later reach the first view of the Kärlingerhaus das Kärlingerhaus

and after that, we could also take a look at the Funtensee. Is quite small anyway.


In the hut we stayed only for a half hour. To a short and fast strengthening, then it went downhill. IMG_6206_600x600_120KB now on the way to 412 on the Saugasse. weitere Touren The journey is going very well, much lighter than our current promotion, I just want the bottom do not go downhill. But here we could make quite a pace.

Blinder Passagier so we quickly reached the Saugasse, with about 36 turns in a canyon. der Abstieg geht in einem weiten Bogen nach recht unten

If many hikers are on it looks like on a "marble run". Saugasse

If all go back and forth quickly. Then it's back through a forest and a meadow der erste Blick wieder auf den See

and again through the forest. Now the Königssee is coming back into our view. But we do not have to be covered a very nice piece. Some of the trails are now reinforced with concrete.


This is not always an advantage. But eventually we reached St. Bartolomä. Here we wanted to take a coffee break. But given the many people who were waiting for the return trip, we had not up for more and stood in the queue.


The last boat leaves at 16.30 Clock.

you can of course be no people. So it may be later. But eventually we reached the place again Königssee.


Here was the face of the many ships moored in the very busy.


Strengthening we have earned. PICT0401_600x600_120KB It is a wonderful tour, which unfortunately is always under time pressure. The way the Saugasse is easier for the climb. So if you want to have more time on Funtensee should choose this path. It would be nice if there was a late walker for connection (call collection boat). So ist es für eine Tagestour immer etwas stressig. Für Mehrtagestouren spielt es nur eine Rolle wenn der Königssee der Endpunkt der Tour ist. Eine Vorplanung ist aber hier noch wichtiger als sonst. Nicht nur wegen der Schiffsverbindung. Es waren im gesamten Gebirgsraum alle Hütten ausgebucht!!!

Einen sehr schönen Bericht hat auch der Karl hier geschrieben, mit weiteren Fotos. Wer bei angemeldet ist, sieht die Bilder sofort. Andere müssen jedes Bild einzeln öffnen.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Stiff Neck Hard To Swallow Fever

Around the Irrsee (Zeller See)

Start/ Ziel Zell am Moos
Dauer 3 hours 30 min
difficulty: red
Weather: sunny, warm

After it had rained in the morning still, it was not planned with my tour. So I decided to short the afternoon for a trip Irrsee. My start was the public car park at the seaside resort. From then on, I followed the signs Irrseeweg. Almost the entire lake area is a nature reserve, so the trail always leads much further away from the lake.

immer Abstand zum See

The marks are not continuously present, or something ambiguous. But the fact that the sea is always in view, we have no problem. Sometimes it leads one on forest roads, then through a campsite on a farm.


Then you can go along the road on a bike path, or on a dirt trail a little further away from the lake out. I took the dirt trail.

schon fast am Seeende

After 1 hour I had reached the bottom of the lake in the village of Laiter.


went from here and there towards Fischhof Wildeneck. Shortly after Wildeneck the path branches off right to the ruins Wildeneck. It is also possible to stay on the local road. I followed the trail. Until now it was an easy walk with only slight inclines, which should be from here but Change. Then began the somewhat steeper rise


up to the ruins.

went after a short visit to the ruins of the



it further word on steep uphill until I reached a forest cup. I turned left here and followed the route number 88


The trail also a quite a bit away from the lake. Finally I reached the sign for Mountain (after about 30 min), the one to the left leads back closer to the lake. After 10 min then another signpost Mondsee! I followed this advice continues past the Kindererlebnissweg,


up to the Hochsernerhof.

hier geht nichts mehr

Here I goes a magnificent view of the Zeller lake Mondsee and direction to the wall Dragons



From there on the road into several hairpin bends The valley. Then again, a reference to Zeller, which I followed up the next map (to center), here it was right on, another step away from the lake.

Traumhafte Fernsicht

But eventually I reached the road, at the same time passes a bike lane. There was still nearly 15 minutes along until I reached the town of Zell am Moos. After several minutes I was back to the parking lot. A nice trip, but the draws at the end of something in the length. There is no way to abbreviate. Especially after Hochsernerhof, you see his goal and has to go but a wide berth. Up on the path to the ruins and the piece in the forest towards snacks . An easy way station