Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cutting Corian With A Table Saw

second Semester - Opening Party

Monday 26 02. 2007

first Preheat - Kati
second AF - Festl - free beer until midnight
third Student House (Campus 2) - Keller

splashy end between 4-7 clock!

photos coming soon!

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Welcome to the WebBlog!

A few students, the University of Applied Sciences Eisenstadt came after a party to the idea
all collected photos online noted
look back at the end of your studies, to a rich collection
their student life at Eisenstadt can.

We Option-Burgenland "always try the best of the
Woche heraus zuholen, um unser Leben hier zu erleichtern!

Vertreten sind hier die Bundesländer Steiermark (2mal), Kärnten (2 mal) und Burgenland (4mal)!

Wir wünschen viel Spaß!