Saturday, January 22, 2011

Official Racquel Darrian Safe

snowshoe hike to Buchberg Kogel 1702 m above Häuslalm 1526m

High Alpine Tour weather and avalanche reports: 2,508 m (total Up and down) Weather: sunny but very cold and sometimes violent wind
Arrival: A9 direction Graz, exit the St. Michael the S6 to Vienna, continue to exit Kapfenberg. Direction of Maria Zell / Hochschwab towards St. Ilgen at Thörl Inn Bodenbauer (large parking lot)
Start: Inn Bodenbauer 870 m
goal Buchberg Kogel 1702 m
Hut: Häuslalm 1523 m
Duration: total 5 hours 10 min, with breaks 7 hours 17
altitude: 1664 m (pan up and down)
total altitude difference: note

Buchberg Kogel on Häuslalm on a larger map
The first time I'm in the show Hochschwab area on the road. Also for Karl and Franz, it was the first tour in the area. Start by 6 clock was already in the Früh in Wels. Nach 2,5 Stunden erreichten wir den Parkplatz beim Gasthof Bodenbauer. Wir waren überrascht wie viel Schnee auf den Bergen lag, auf der ganzen fahrt auf der S6 haben wir auf allen Bergen keinen Schnee mehr gesehen bis zu den  Gipfeln. Deshalb hatten wir uns innerlich schon auf normale Bergtour eingestellt. Die fahrt zum Gasthof verlief ohne Probleme . Die Straße ist erstklassig ausgebaut. Das Tal liegt im Schatten und der Nachtfrost ist noch sehr deutlich spürbar (-15C). So haben wir uns schnell fertig gemacht,
und auch schon die ersten vom Forum taken. After a brief welcome it went off. Our goal of the book on mountain Kogel 1702m. The first fifteen minutes we did not need snowshoes.
The path was trodden. We followed the gravel road and not always the sign for the Häuslalm our first goal. That was us but easy. There were enough traces of the ski tours available. At last we reached the sun.
PICT0917 We were no longer has a cold but that did not go the same but even more beautiful. In the week it had snowed and the snow was hier auch liegengeblieben . Nach einer guten halben Stunde war es aber vorbei mit den Forststrassen und jetzt ging es deutlich steiler bergauf.

Wir waren nicht die einzigen mit dem Ziel Häuslalm, es waren sehr viele Skitourenfahrer unterwegs.  Die "Watschler"
wie wir waren deutlich in der Minderheit. Nach gut 90 min erreichten wir einen Punkt wo uns der kalte Wind vom Berg nur so um die Ohren gepfiffen hat.
Das sollte sich die nächste halbe Stunde auch nicht ändern und als besonderes etwas war der Weg auch noch im Schatten. Die gefühlte Temperatur war seeehr kalt.
Also Mütze tief runter ziehen und den Schall weit nach oben, so das gerade noch die Augen frei sind. Ich bin ganz froh das links am oberen Bergrücken sehr wenig Schnee liegt. Der Hüttenwirt auf der Häuslalm hat ein schönes Foto wie es auf unserem Weg aussieht nach einem Lawinenabgang.
Heute ist die Lawinengefahr gering. Nach 2 Stunden und 10 min erreichten wir die Häuslalm.

Auch hier ein Traum von Aussicht.
Nach einem Tee und "Kaspresssuppe" ging es auf den zweiten Teil our tour. The landlord had given us the hint not to follow the ski tracks but to descend into the valley
and back around to get to the book mountain peak. The extended but the way is pleasant to walk on snowshoes.
We followed the advice After half an hour we arrived at the back of the book mountain peak.
the next hour it was very exhausting. had the long ridge we climb steeply. The fresh snow we slip almost every step back a bit.
But after an hour had reached the summit and forget the drudgery.
The view and the weather this is a dream.
After we had enough images on the chip,
it went down the mountains but now much faster. Now we came to meet the new snow. We could not really swim and reached down again after just 30 minutes the pasture
At our first stop we were almost the only ones in the room, now you had to full burst. But you could only see in a lot of happy faces. We met here on Sabine, who had organized the evening meeting. You had risen along with Martin.
rose after a nice Plaudererunde we decline. The design is really amazing now, even if one or the other time was in the snow :-). 70 minutes later we were again at the restaurant floor Bauer. We had booked for the night. Here we met now, all from the Forum of Styria,
PICT1007 Lower Austria, Upper Austria Vienna etc.
it beautiful views of the people behind the avatar name kennenzulernen.So it was a very nice evening. The next morning we went into after a hearty breakfast
the winter and spring sports
the way back to Wels.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Where To Buy Neti Pot In Singapore

of Hengstpass direction Spitzbergeralm 1310 m

Start: Hengstpass 980m
goal Spitzbergeralm
1310m height gain (up and down GPS data): 844m
total altitude gain: 844m
Wetter: sonnig
Dauer: Aufstieg: 1 Stunde 30min
  Abstieg: 1 Stunde 30 min
Bemerkung: teilweise max. Steigung mit  Schneeschuhen
Anreise: A9 bis Windischgarsten dann weiter Richtung Rosenau am Hengstpass und zum Hengstpass

Hengstpass zum auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Heute starten wir zu ersten Schneeschuhtour. Unser Ziel Pass was the colt and then to the water block. But the parking was already below the Hengstpass by hikers and "Watschler" as we used. So we had to pass here, we found a parking space. From here we followed the trail

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in the snow and let us surprise you where it went. The tour ended up on narrow path and through a forest road and some steep slopes.

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After 90 minutes we reached the first Hill with the words "peak Berger Alm

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went after a short break at the magnificent view,

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it back. We followed a track again, but this time the trail led us astray. So we had to turn back after 10 minutes. The descent is more difficult in the beginning we were a little off our ascent route. But after a short crossing through a forest, we were back on our route.

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A quarter of an hour we followed a Fortststraße. Here the descent was not as steep

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this we made a big arc back to the parking lot. After that for coffee and pastries for Drink Thaler.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ice Skating Romeo And Juliet Dress

winter walk from the parking lot Polsterlucke to Mountain Baumschlager Reith .

Start: Parking Polsterlucke
goal Mountain Baumschlager Reith
Arrival: Hinterstoder A9 until the exit, continue along the main road Hinterstoder and on through the village. Out of town a few miles until you reach the pad gap, then it goes to the right. After 500 meters from the car park reached
altitude: oA
Weather: cloudy
Difficulty: blue
Duration: Away: 90 min
; Return: 90 min
comment trail partially Cross-country ski trail. Hut not always open.

After the millennium, we wanted to take it easy, so much the choice of today's tour to the Bärental. The round is comfortable without steep inclines and after the half distance a beautiful Mountain. On this occasion we can bring our hiking poles equal again, we are on the way back from Stoder Dolomites climbing have left at the hut. The Landlord they had picked us. Also on this tour, we did not need snowshoes.

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Today we had with Faye. The first 45 minutes we are on country roads

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und zum Teil geräumten Wanderwegen unterwegs.

  PICT0855 (1) Danach geht es auf der Langlauf Loipe weiter.  Es waren aber auf dem Hinweg nicht viele Läufer unterwegs. Nach 90 min war die Jausenstation erreicht. Nach einer schönen gemütlichen Pause ging es auf den Rückweg.





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Jetzt ist mehr los auf der Loipe.  Doch nach 45 min waren wir wieder für uns alleine. Die Faye konnte es nicht lassen und Despite the cold take a bath.

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But this trip went again to the end.