Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Complete Mighty Guy 3

Plöckenstein (1378 m) Dreisessel mountain (1332 m) Dead or mountain climbing 2

Anreise: von Wels über Eferding, Aschach, Rohrbach, Aigen bis Schwarzenberg.
Start: Oberschwarzenberg (930 m)Parkplatz am Ende der Straße.
Ziel: Plöckenstein (1378 m)
über: Dreisesselberg (1332 m)
Höhenmeter: 448 m
Jahreshöhenmeter: 19999 m
Schwierigkeit: red
Refreshments: Dreisessel mountain guest house (of Germany possible from Access), then it is only 10 minutes walk to the inn
Weather: warm, partially foehn storm clouds,
Duration: Ascent: min Dreisessel Berg 90 minutes more to the triangle 90, then Plöckenstein 50 min
descent from Plöckenstein about devils bowl 2 hours 20 min
A beautiful day in late autumn, because it is much too good at home to stay. Karl, Lotte and I went today spared on the upper Upper Austria, as we were of snow still remain. After we had agreed the previous day to a time (the night was the time change). For the journey took us not quite min 90th It was surprising enough going on in the parking lot in Upper Black Mountain.
The hike starts on a gravel road will lead us to the next Witikosteig. The whole tour is very well marked. The slopes are moderate. It's all uphill slightly. We may find ourselves on a Künstlerweg.Über art is always discussing. Some pictures believed the "artist" is only the paint pot slipped.
reached after 90 min we our first objective, the three-chair the mountain and the inn.

Up here, you could make a film about the end of the world. It looks terrible.

Only dead trees. Moon. The cloudy weather contributes nicely. From the mountain has three chairs is really a beautiful view of the Bohemian Forest. But now for the best on a tour of the inn. We had caught a good time, it was not so busy. The Inn is also easily accessible by car (only 10 minutes walk from the parking lot) that you could see a three-quarter hour later. Since no space was free. The food not only looks good,

it tastes good too. After a peaceful break, it went on. Only at the Hochstein

then returned to the triangle. Es geht eine halbe Stunde durch eine Wüstenlandschaft, was mal ein Wald war. Auf der Deutschen und Österreichischen Seite sind die Bäume gefällt. Auf CZ Seite stehen die abgestorbenen Bäume noch oder sind durch Stürme umgefallen. Der Blick in die Ferne ist verhältnismäßig gut. Das tröstet etwas. Es sind viele Wanderer unterwegs. Die ersten 90 min waren wir ganz allein, aber jetzt sind ganze Gruppen und Familien auf Wanderung oder Spaziergang. Nach ging es auch durch die letzten Schneereste. Das Dreiländereck ist erreicht.
Mit jedem Schritt ist man in einem anderen Land  D/A/CZ. Lange hielten But let us not to. Skip to Plöckenstein, which we reached minutes after the 50th

Above the cross, it was pretty windy. Now my camera has been adopted. From one to the next shot no more. The pictures with the phone are of course not as good. The Devil's Bowl is reached.

The time difference you notice it much. It's already getting dark. So we led the way in the last minutes of daylight to the parking lot.


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