Start: | Hengstpass 980m |
goal | Spitzbergeralm |
1310m height gain (up and down GPS data): | 844m |
total altitude gain: | 844m |
Wetter: | sonnig |
Dauer: | Aufstieg: 1 Stunde 30min |
| Abstieg: 1 Stunde 30 min |
Bemerkung: | teilweise max. Steigung mit Schneeschuhen |
Anreise: | A9 bis Windischgarsten dann weiter Richtung Rosenau am Hengstpass und zum Hengstpass |
Hengstpass zum auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
Heute starten wir zu ersten Schneeschuhtour. Unser Ziel Pass was the colt and then to the water block. But the parking was already below the Hengstpass by hikers and "Watschler" as we used. So we had to pass here, we found a parking space. From here we followed the trail
in the snow and let us surprise you where it went. The tour ended up on narrow path and through a forest road and some steep slopes.
After 90 minutes we reached the first Hill with the words "peak Berger Alm
went after a short break at the magnificent view,
it back. We followed a track again, but this time the trail led us astray. So we had to turn back after 10 minutes. The descent is more difficult in the beginning we were a little off our ascent route. But after a short crossing through a forest, we were back on our route.
A quarter of an hour we followed a Fortststraße. Here the descent was not as steep
this we made a big arc back to the parking lot. After that for coffee and pastries for Drink Thaler.
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