MEIN Rosenmontag: Ätzend
Full of anticipation - especially in this glorious weather - I went to shift beginning on the way to the City. noted
But already in Oberbilk I do that this evening could be a little harder. No later than the Berliner Allee, drunk, absolutely staggered by an estimated 15 to 75 years on the roadways. Some of them were even on the streets (... to sleep off the noise?)
This button - for the complete door lock - in the course of the evening was most important to my tool.
It began when four strong young men - I am now consciously politically incorrect! - With a clear migration background, boarded and bawling to be taken with a special price to Wuppertal. I said that's not possible, because our meter containing exact calculations. Then it was very noisy and turbulent in the car! "What I would imagine me miserable bastard" "It just does not" I said.
"Farr you ass or severally Stesch sporadically ap!"
This then was my patience at an end.
A wonderful full braking with the final words "Get out - makes you come out!" had a hand flying around the beefy guys quite a bit (I'm looking forward now about my courage) do and also the Rhine-taxi manners codex completely backwards. The three
Hinteren sprangen raus. Der Lauteste (Typ Totschläger) wütete "ich mach disch kalt" und versuchte mich aus dem Wagen zu zerren. Den Beifahrer konnte ich bei diesem Handgemenge noch rausstoßen um dann mit geöffneten Türen einfach Vollgas zu geben. Wie bei Cobra 11, glaube ich ;-) Mein Adrenalinspiegel lag wohl beim 125fachen Wert ...
Warum sind diese bescheuerten Vögel immer so aggressiv???!!!???
Diese Nacht war einfach nur ätzend - oder besser gesagt, die überwiegende Zahl der Mitfahrer!
the few pleasant passengers is hereby praises sung
Miri & Sascha
mother Karin
Well, and Klaus and Marina et
And so I was stop at home before midnight.
Next year rose Monday I will take a holiday!
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